Senin, 22 Maret 2010

5 langkah gampang dapet dollar

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010


Cukup dengan 5 langkah dan anda tinggal duduk diam dan menunggu cek datang.Sudah ga zamannyalah buang2 waktu tanpa menghasilkan apa2.Dari pada buat bayar di warnet mending sekalian cari duit dollar lagi apa ga mantab bro.

ok ya coba di ikuti caranya satu demi satu.

Step 1 : Sign up di Homepage

Step 2 : Download Fiestabar dan instalasi programnya di komputer anda

Step 3 : Awasi Fiestaboy terus berjalan dan tambahkan point anda

Step 4 : Rekomendasikan ke teman teman anda

Step 5 : Santai dan tunggu cek datang


Cara Sign Up 1) click halaman ini, form sign up akan muncul

2) login ID ———– > ketik ID ( minimal 3 huruf )

3) password ——— > kode rahasia ( minimal 4 huruf )

4) Verify password —–> ulangi ketik kode rahasia

5) First mane ———> nama pribadi

6) Last name ——— > nama keluarga

7) Street address —- > alamat ( harus asli )

8) City ————— > kota

9) Zip/postal code —–> kode pos

10) State ————- > kosong

11) Province ———- > kosong

12) Country ————> Indonesia

13) E – mail address ——-> alamat e – mail

14) Verify e – mail address – > ulangi ketik alamat e – mail Now.please tell us more about yourself (Imformasi pribadi ) 15) Birth ————- > tanggal lahir

16) Gender ———— > jenis kelamin Male( laki2 ) Female (perempuan )

17) Education ———> pendidikan

18) Annual household income -> penghasilan per bulan — > pilih less than 14, 999

19) Industry: bidang kerja

20) Titel: pangkat

21) Please tell us why you use internet: Kenapa anda memakai internet? —– tekan 5~6

22) What do you search for or buy on – line: Apa yang anda cari di internet? —– tekan 7~10

23) Preferred check size: minimal cek yang bisa diminta —– tekan $50

24) Earn cash by subscribing to receive e-mail from our partners with special off and announcements. : lease read our privacy policy and be assured that your e – mail address will be kept confident. — > tekan yes

25) I have read and understand the Member agreement.= — > harus tekan

26) ‘Submit Registration’ —— > click Submit

27) Setelah Sign up, Download Fiestabar dan instalasi programnya.

Tips bagi pengguna Warnet copy Instaler FiestaBar pada Flasdisk atau media lain, jd setiap anda ganti computer (di warnet) tinggal di install lagi aja, gampang bukan
Jalankan FiestaBarMasukkan user-name dan password Anda Bila sudah ada Banner di Layar monitor, berarti Cashfiesta sudah berjalan dan mulai menghasilkan Dollar.


Little Love Bug

introLittle Love Bug

He's A Cutie!

Musim Valentine ini menetapkan semangat kreatif Anda. Buat virus cinta kecil ini menggunakan bola lampu daur ulang dan beberapa bahan lain. Ikuti langkah-langkah sederhana ini dan Anda akan memiliki hadiah yang unik dan menyenangkan di hari Valentine untuk Anda!!

Little Love Bug

Langkah 1- Bahan - bahan

Untuk memulai, Anda memerlukan bahan-bahan seperti ini:

Sebuah Bola Lampu



Permanent Marker

Pembersih pipa

Mata mainan

Puff Kecil Balls

Gel akrilik Medium

Sedang Craft Paint Brush

Glue Gun

Glue Sticks

Materials Needed

step 2Creating The Wings

Cut a piece of wire 24 inches in length. Gently fold the wire in half. Bend the left end into the center and twist to form a bow. Repeat for the right side. Mold your wings in the desired shape of your choice. Cut four tissue paper squares/rectangles that are slightly larger than your wings. Place two of the tissue squares under the wings. Using your paint brush, apply a thin coat of gel medium around and over the wire. Carefully use the paint brush to fold in the edges and smooth out the wrinkles. When both sides are complete, flip over and repeat the process. Cut out tissue paper hearts and applique them to the wings using the gel medium. Place your finished wings over a cup and let them dry( 30-60 minutes).

Creating The Wings
Shape the Wings 3.JPGWire Wings 2.JPGGel The Wings 4.JPGFold Over 5.JPGWing2.JPG
Wing4.JPGTissue Applique 6.JPG

step 3Designing the Bulb

This is the fun part!!

As your wings are drying, use permanent markers to decorate your bulb. Let your creative juices flow.
If you are an avid crafter, you can embellish your bug with puff paints, jewels, paint markers, and anything else that comes to mind. Explore your materials and have fun!!

Designing the Bulb

step 4Adding The Legs

Cut three wires 15-20 inches in length. Bend each wire to create a U shape. Using the light bulb's threads, place one U shape wire around the back thread closest to the bulb and twist 5-6 times. Repeat the process allowing the wires to move to the next thread. Shape your legs and curl in those toes. Make sure your bug has a good stance.

Adding The Legs
Add Legs 8.JPG001.JPG

step 5Building the Bug

Now we are ready to assemble the bug.
Make sure your glue gun is hot and remember safety!

Cut a small piece of pipe cleaner and create a U shape antenna. Place a generous glue dollop on back thread of the bulb. Place the center of the wings into the glue. Hold using the edges of the wing and wait until glue has hardened. Add more glue to the front threads and add the antenna and puff balls with googly eyes.

Building the Bug
Hot Glue 9.JPGGlue.JPGAntena.JPGEyes.JPG

step 6Presentation

Surprise your sweetheart with your love bug!